Sunday, August 14, 2011

Slam the Dam Open Water Swim

My brother, Chris, sent me a link to this event. I have never heard of the Slam the Dam before but looks like a fun race. It is in October in Lake Mead in Las Vegas, Nevada.

According to their site, they have a 1.2M, a 2.4M, and an 8K events. In addition to those races they have a Super Slam(1.2M and 2.4M) and Grand Slam (8K and 1.2M) events. I am guessing they total the time and determine winners based on the cumulative time for the two races.

Being in Las Vegas, the elevation will be a bit higher than I am used to here in Ohio. That would be an interesting challenge for sure.

This event sounds like a lot of fun and you can't beat the scenery. Not sure I'll get out there this year (or even next) but it is definitely one to put on the list.

Anyone heard about this event, or done it in the past? Please share any info you have.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Great Ohio River Swim & Getting Back in the Water

Have been out of the loop recently. After the Great Ohio River Swim, I took a few days off but am back in the water now. Nothing too serious but got a solid week of training in the books this week so hopefully I can get build on that. An easy 5200 left me pretty tired but satisfied.

The Great Ohio River Swim was a lot of fun as usual. Even though I wasn't in peak fitness, I was able to pull out the win. Really two extremes with the 25K in Noblesville to a ten minute splash in the Ohio. Here are a few pictures from the race.

Still deciding about the Swim the Suck 10 Mile race. It sounds like a lot of fun but I don't know if I will be fit enough to really enjoy it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Great Ohio River Swim

4th Annual Great Ohio River Swim takes place tomorrow morning. Going to try to make it across the Ohio River without drowning or catching a disease. Also looking forward to a dominant performance by Dan and Kip!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


After yesterday's big effort my arms needed a rest. Went for a very easy 3100 this morning trying to concentrate on technique and loosening up. Back to work on Monday so training will be shorter but hopefully a bit more intense.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Holiday Training

With some time off of work this week I spent some extra time in the pool. Around 24K in 4 days which is a pretty heavy load for me this time of year. Knocked out 8,300 today - we'll see how the body reacts for tomorrow's workout.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Great List of Marathon Swims

Freshwater Swimmer put together a fairly comprehensive list of marathon swim events. Check it out and leave a comment with any addition events that were missed.

Starting Over...

Feels like I am starting all over again. My fitness has fallen off a cliff and every workout feels horrible. I am going to try and stay consistent and keep plugging away.